How Far Is Sacramento From Bakersfield

How Far Is Sacramento From Bakersfield

Sacramento, the capital of California, is located about 172 miles away from Bakersfield, a city in the San Joaquin Valley. Although the two cities are located in the same state, the drive between them takes about 3.5 hours. The route follows Interstate 5, which is the main north-south route through California.

How Far Is Sacramento From Bakersfield?

Sacramento is 172 miles away from Bakersfield. This distance can be covered by car in about 3.5 hours, following the Interstate 5. There are also bus and train services available, which take longer but are more affordable.

What Is the Best Route to Take between Sacramento and Bakersfield?

The best route to take to get from Sacramento to Bakersfield is Interstate 5. This route is the most direct and is the main highway that connects the two cities. The entire drive from Sacramento to Bakersfield takes about 3.5 hours.

What Is the Cheapest Way to Get from Sacramento to Bakersfield?

The cheapest way to get from Sacramento to Bakersfield is by taking a bus. There are a few different companies that offer services between the two cities, including Greyhound and Amtrak. The buses usually take about 4 hours to cover the 172-mile route.

Are There Any Scenic Routes Between Sacramento and Bakersfield?

Yes, there are a few scenic routes that can be taken between Sacramento and Bakersfield. One of the most popular routes is the California State Route 99, which follows the San Joaquin Valley. This route offers stunning views of the valley and mountains, and also passes through many small towns and villages.

Are There Any Attractions Along the Route to Bakersfield?

Yes, there are several attractions along the route to Bakersfield. One of the most popular is the California State Railroad Museum in Sacramento, which showcases the history of railroads in the state. There are also several national parks and forests along the route, including Yosemite National Park and Sequoia National Forest. Other attractions include the California Aqueduct, which runs through the valley, and the Tehachapi Loop, a famous stretch of railway line.

Are There Any Other Ways to Get from Sacramento to Bakersfield?

Yes, there are a few other ways to get from Sacramento to Bakersfield. You can take a flight from Sacramento International Airport to Meadows Field Airport in Bakersfield. There are also several car rental companies that offer services between the two cities. Additionally, you can take a train from Sacramento to Bakersfield. The train takes about 4.5 hours and is operated by Amtrak.

No matter how you decide to get from Sacramento to Bakersfield, the journey between the two cities is sure to be an enjoyable one. With stunning landscapes, historical attractions, and plenty of outdoor activities to enjoy, the route is sure to be a memorable one.