What Did Weed Look Like In The 80s

What Did Weed Look Like In The 80s

In the 1980s, marijuana was widely used and easily accessible in the United States. The variety of cannabis during this time was much different than what is available today. So, what did weed look like in the 80s?

Types of Weed in the 80s

The marijuana of the 80s was much different than the cannabis that is available today. Back then, the most common and readily accessible type of cannabis was Mexican Sativa. This strain of cannabis was a light green color with a slightly sweet taste. It was often sold in small, transparent plastic bags.

Another common type of marijuana in the 80s was Colombian Gold. This type of cannabis was also a light green color and was known for its strong, skunky odor and sweet taste. It was usually sold in small plastic bags, and was known for being one of the most potent varieties of marijuana available at the time.

In addition to Mexican Sativa and Colombian Gold, there were also several other varieties of marijuana available in the 80s. Afghan Kush, Jamaican Gold, and Acapulco Gold were all popular strains of cannabis during this time. All of these types of marijuana were light green in color and had a sweet taste.

How Weed Was Consumed in the 80s

In the 80s, the most common way to consume marijuana was by smoking it. Many people rolled joints or smoked from pipes or bongs. It was also common to mix marijuana with tobacco and smoke it in a cigarette or cigar. This was a popular method of consuming marijuana because it allowed for a more gradual and subtle high.

Another popular way to consume marijuana in the 80s was to bake it into edibles. People would often make brownies, cookies, or other baked goods with marijuana. This allowed for a more powerful and longer-lasting high than smoking, but it was also more time-consuming and difficult to make.

People Also Ask

What Did Weed Smell Like in the 80s?

The smell of marijuana in the 80s depended on the type of cannabis. Mexican Sativa was known for its sweet smell, while Colombian Gold was known for its strong, skunky odor. Many people also added additional herbs and spices to their marijuana to give it a unique smell.

What Did Weed Taste Like in the 80s?

The taste of marijuana in the 80s also depended on the type of cannabis. Mexican Sativa was known for its slightly sweet taste, while Colombian Gold was known for its sweet and skunky flavor. Many people also added additional herbs and spices to their marijuana to give it a unique taste.

Was Weed Legal in the 80s?

No, marijuana was not legal in the United States in the 80s. Even though it was widely used and easily accessible, it was still considered an illegal drug. The federal government had strict laws against the possession and use of marijuana, and many states had their own laws as well.

What Was the Cost of Weed in the 80s?

The cost of marijuana in the 80s depended on the type of cannabis and where it was purchased. Mexican Sativa and Colombian Gold were typically the most affordable varieties of marijuana, and were often sold for $10-$20 per ounce. Other varieties of cannabis, such as Afghan Kush and Jamaican Gold, were more expensive and could cost up to $50 per ounce.

Overall, the marijuana of the 80s was much different than the cannabis that is available today. The most common types of cannabis during this time were Mexican Sativa and Colombian Gold, and the most common way to consume it was by smoking it. Despite its illegal status, marijuana was widely used and easily accessible in the United States in the 80s.