20 Is What Percent Of 125

20 Is What Percent Of 125

When it comes to understanding fractions and percentages, the first thing to remember is that the denominator (bottom) of the fraction represents the whole, and the numerator (top) of the fraction represents the part. So, when we are asked “20 is what percent of 125?” we are being asked to figure out what fraction of the whole is represented by 20 out of 125.

How to Calculate the Percentage of Two Numbers

To answer the question “20 is what percent of 125?” we need to calculate the fraction of 20 out of 125, and then convert that fraction into a percentage. To do that, follow these steps:

  1. Divide the smaller number (20) by the larger number (125).
  2. Multiply the result by 100.
  3. The result is the percentage.

Example: 20 is what percent of 125?

To calculate the percentage, we first need to divide 20 by 125. In fraction form, the answer is 20/125, or 1/6. To convert this fraction to a percentage, we multiply it by 100. The answer is 16%.

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Now that you know how to find the answer to the question “20 is what percent of 125?” you can use the same steps to calculate any percentage of any number. Just remember to divide the smaller number by the larger number, then multiply the result by 100 to convert it to a percentage.